Want to take your internet business to the next level of selloutery and earn a (very) little cheddar for your effort? Fioboc seeks anyone who can work a mouse to do our bidding. That’s what we call Fioboc Affiliate Program!
Why Risk Your Online Cred?
Good things need to be hyped, right?If you find a good item, you just enjoy it yourself. That’s selfish. Why not share it?
And you can also earn a lot from it. Every little bit helps (us). We make money. You make money. We make money. And all you have to do is post a few links! Ready to get started? There's just one more thing…
Step 1: Fill out the application here.
Accepted!--Now Post Our Links
Got a blog, instagram, youtube, or tiktok? Share your loyal audiences with links to our low-conversion specials!
Step 2: Share your referral link and coupon code
After logging in, you will see your dashboard, then you will see the Referral Link you can show to your audience. And here is a Coupon Code you can customize and share to your audience.
Step 3: Using marketing tool
Using the Marketing tools to generate a product link and caption the link in your promotion content. Share this generated link on your blog, Facebook, Instagram, tiktok etc. When people visit the store using your link, you get commissions on everything they buy
The more links you share, the more audience you get. Fioboc also value the affiliates who can bring lots of traffics and will further the collaboration.
Step 4: Track your sales and get the payment!
A 60-day Tracking Gap is set to help us figure an affiliate's commission.Eg. If you bring a sale on 19th June, Fioboc will pay your commission at about 19th August.

Never miss THE BEST AFFILIATE PROGRAMS IN THE WORLD! So go on. Give it a shot.
Let The Cash Roll In…
How much can you expect to make as a Fioboc affiliate? It's sorta up to you.